We aim to assist in increasing the wellbeing over your employee and as a result your company.
Through customized designed products including ; workshops, consulting and creation of videos. We create wellness solutions focused on stress reduction, lifestyle design, and more. Results connect directly to the objectives for your staff, teacher and student population. This will be determined during an interview where we learn what your goals are and the best resources that would be aligned.
Below are some of the results thus far
directly to teacher retention, solutions in getting through trauma, long-term implementable methods that allow for the reduction of stress
- Ability to adapt stress
- Management of stress
- Change management
- Teacher Retention
- long-term implementable techniques
- Increased Engagement
- Workshops
- Customized video assets
- Program design
- Consulting on specialized scenarios with regards to stress
Contact below to learn more and get your school signed up with the 1MinMeditation.